Coming soon: Intro to Letterpress Workshop in Minneapolis!

Edited 2/4/2016: You can see our updated class schedule here. Glad you found us! 

haven't done any advertising since I opened the storefront studio here in Minneapolis, but my 100-year-old Chandler & Price printing press in the window does tend to attract the passersby. Sometimes they knock on the door and we get to talking about printmaking, vintage type, ink and iron and wood. And then they ask, "Do you have classes?"

ased on this purely anecdotal evidence of interest, I'm happy to now say that YES! We will be offering a basic Introduction to Letterpress workshop here at the studio this June. The date and exact class size and scope is yet to be determined - however, available spots will be very limited.

If you are interested in receiving announcements about our lasses, please sign up here. Thanks!




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